Tutoring Options

Tutoring Options

All your tutoring options can be accessed using the links below. Alternatively, you may visit your local Student Success Center and schedule a tutoring session with the help of a coordinator. Tutoring services are also completely free!

We recommend a headset and webcam for best results in a video conference. Students are allowed a 1 hour block, per subject, per day.

Video Conference

We invite you to join us remotely from the comfort of home! Schedule your virtual appointment today!

One-on-One Tutoring

This is on-ground tutoring and focuses on your specific needs and goals. Schedule your appointment today by selecting your local campus for location.

Pear Deck Tutor

Online and on-demand academic support! Easy to access and FREE to use 24/7.

Coaching Options

Work one-on-one with your Success Coach to provide you with the tools and skills needed to balance your academic and personal life. A coach can help you develop effective time management skills, study habits, personal accountability strategies, and set academic and personal goals to maximize your academic performance and personal wellbeing.

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