Radiologic Technology Class of 2017 Pinning Ceremony


Front row L-R: Esmeralda Mejia, Amanda Walton, Heather Swartzfager, Michaley Leonard, Back row L-R:  Molly Morgan, Kristina Jacobson, Tianna Chrouser, Kaylie Waynick, Devin Walters, Reza Peyravi
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Congratulations to the Radiologic Technology Class of 2017!  The Pinning Ceremony was August 19, 2017 at the Bullhead City Campus.


2017 Graduates:

Tianna Chrouser
Ashley DeBaca
Kristina Jacobson
Michaley Leonard Esmeralda E. Mejia
Molly Morgan
Bart Mumm
Reza Peyravi
Heather Swartzfager
Devin Walters
Amanda Walton
Kaylene Waynick

Front row L-R: Esmeralda Mejia, Amanda Walton, Heather Swartzfager, Michaley Leonard, Back row L-R:  Molly Morgan, Kristina Jacobson, Tianna Chrouser, Kaylie Waynick, Devin Walters, Reza Peyravi

Front row L-R: Esmeralda Mejia, Amanda Walton, Heather Swartzfager, Michaley Leonard,
Back row L-R: Molly Morgan, Kristina Jacobson, Tianna Chrouser, Kaylie Waynick, Devin Walters, Reza Peyravi

3 women sitting

The Class of 2017 would like to thank all of our family and friends for their unconditional support throughout the past 2 years. We could not have gone through this without every single one of you!
Thank you to Lake Havasu City’s Jimmy John’s for donating the food for the Pinning Ceremony.
Thank you to the Bullhead City Chapter of the Mohave Community College Foundation for supporting our class with their purchase of our Fall gift baskets.
Additional thanks to the dedicated staff of our affiliated clinical of people sitting

MCC balloon in foreground. Crowd listening to speaker at Radiologic Technology pinning ceremony ina room on of studentsgroup of people sittinggroup of people sitting


Radiologic Technology Students walk in for Pinning

Video of audience and students at Radiologic Technology Pinning


More info on Radiologic Technology click here
