Student Blogger Interview: Insights on student success from Devin Porter


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College itself is difficult, but Devin Porter, president of the MCC radiologic technology student club called the Skeleton Crew, successfully takes on the challenge and is an inspiration for many!

Porter has been handling student life, presidency, her social life, and all the stress that goes along with it, and she’s always willing to help others!Devin Porter

This interview with Devin should give students hope and inspiration. If you’re looking to run for president of a student club, she can help walk you through the process. She’s attended MCC since 2015 and has many student insights to pass down, as she prepares to walk down the aisle at graduation. It’s because of Devin,  many of us in the radiologic technology program have had an amazing experience, and because of her we now have money for our pinning ceremony, personalized gifts, and positive memories. If you’re ever feeling like the challenge of college won’t end, remember there are others who are accomplishing a whole plate of pasta!  Let’s talk with Devin and hear what she has to say to her fellow MCC Bighorns!

Before running for class president in the radiologic technology program, what were your reasons?

I really wanted to help our class leave a legacy by volunteering in our community and helping make a difference. I was very excited to be part of such an amazing program. I was very honored to be accepted into the radiologic technology program and was excited to start a career in a field that helps people in various stages of life.

Did your beginning expectations as president change until now?

My expectations were to plan fundraisers, community events, and help our class build friendships during our two-year journey together. With only five months remaining in the program, I believe that as a class we have done just that. We have participated in many fundraisers, volunteered in various community events, and created friendships with classmates that will last a life time.

When I accepted the presidency position of the skeleton crew class of 2018, I knew that it was going to be a lot of work. However, I’ve always enjoyed planning fundraisers and volunteering my time to help others. I knew that this would be a perfect opportunity to do both of those while helping the radiologic technology program become more well known within our community. I became best friends with my planner that helped me stay organized while managing my time between school, clinicals, homework, fundraisers, volunteer time, as well as maintaining a social life with my family and friends. People at event

As president, you take the responsibility of demonstrating leadership! As a leader, you do your best to help everyone in need. I know from being in the program with you that you have demonstrated leadership. I’ve seen you go above and beyond to make sure nobody is left behind.

For example, on holidays you always give us some type of goodie bag full of surprises. You also gave our whole radiology class a crafted radiology pin and badge holder with our names customized. Explain why you do it.

One of my biggest passions in life has always been helping others in anyway possible. I truly enjoy being able to make someone smile. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated equally and with respect regardless of who they are or how well you know them.

In a normal day or week of Devin, are you discussing information with the radiology staff to get approval for activities and events? What is the process?

A normal week consists of studying, going to clinicals, and doing homework. Depending on the week and what fundraisers/events we have coming up there is a lot more that gets added to my week. I must create an agenda for our Skeleton Crew meetings based on what all needs to be discussed. To set up a fundraiser I have to fill out a student activity form and get it signed by our program director and the dean. Once it gets approved, I have to contact the business to set up a date and time for our fundraiser, get the tickets, forms, and/or flyers that are needed to sell or advertise. To set up a community or volunteer event I need to fill out a student activity form, have it signed by our program director and the dean. Once it gets approved, I call the person in charge of the event or manager of the facility we are volunteering at to set up a date and time or get details about the event. Each community event and volunteer events require different things such as advertising, getting donations, and spending time explaining the event to people. I am also on the Advisory Board Committee and attend meetings to discuss how we can improve the program. I meet with our dean to share our class meeting minutes, get forms approved, and discuss all of our upcoming events.

Devin PorterWho is your encouragement throughout this entire process?

My biggest encouragement throughout this program and life in general is definitely my family and friends. My mom helps me study by quizzing me all the time and has been a great mock patient when I need her to be! My parents are absolutely amazing, they always help me get through any situation. They are always there to offer advice, listen when I need it the most, and can always make me smile no matter what it is that I am going through. I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today without them. My best friends are also a big part of encouragement, they are always there whenever I need them. I am truly blessed and thankful for my amazing family and incredible friends.

Devin, can you give me some background information? What has helped you be so social to get our program where is should be.

I was home-schooled my whole life and graduated through Christian Liberty Academy in Illinois. I was always very involved in sports with my favorite being dance and gymnastics. I met a lot of people through extracurricular activities and have always been very social.  I did cheer and took electives my junior and senior year at Mohave High School.

Our radiology program has expanded by being able to build a legacy due to your confidence and communication skills. We’ve raised a decent amount of money for our program because of all the time and effort you’ve given us. Example- Panda express fundraiser and Baskin Robins cake sale! Tell us a little about how you did that.

Going to local businesses and restaurants to set up fundraisers only takes a few steps. Depending on if the business is family owned or corporate there are some different processes to take. For a family owned business, I simply speak with the owner explaining who I am and what group I am representing.  Then, proceed to ask if they would be interested in having our group set up a fundraiser through their business. For corporate businesses most of the time I have to access their website, find the link that says “fundraising”, fill out all of the information provided, and wait to hear back from the business. I then receive an email with the approval and steps to follow for a successful fundraiser. Being comfortable talking with various people and explaining our program to them is beneficial when speaking with businesses to organize these events.

During the bad days, what pushes you to keep up with all the responsibility?

On days when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I always try to stay focused on the positive things. I am and always have been a very positive and optimistic person. No matter what it is that I am going through, I know that it could be worse. I know that there will be better days ahead. We all have some days that aren’t ideal but it’s okay because at the end of the day I have my family and friends.

Any other volunteer work before the program?

I have been involved with the Relay For Life organization since 2008. I volunteer time and have been hand writing cards as well as handing out goody bags at Sunridge Village assisted living facility since 2014. I collect school supplies, movies, board games, toys, etc. for UCLA Matel Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hematology and Oncology ward as often as I can. I have also volunteered for the Make A Wish Foundation, National MS society, and the purple stride Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.  


Nina Martorano

Antonina Martorano, Bullhead City Campus Student Blogger