Student Blogger: Kiwi Challenge winners and their Kiwi stories


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Kiwi Challenge winners receive their MCC prize bags from Student Blogger Nina Martorano. Pictured left to right Layla Powell, Nina Martorano, Duana Wainright.

This march was honored in a cycle of greens! Not the disgusting greens that upset your digestive tract, but the sweet greens with an encompassing brown skin. I hosted the kiwi challenge to help students set a schedule, make healthier choices, and set a goal!  The main purpose of this challenge was to laugh, give something a shot, and remember to always go beyond the challenge. Winner’s Duana Wainwright, and Layla Powell worked their tails off to incorporate kiwis in their life for one straight month.


Here’s their story.

green drink

Kiwi drink Layla ordered and documented for part of the Kiwi Challenge.

Layla Powell

This challenge was definitely tough but something told me to keep incorporating kiwis for this crazy month. At first this challenge was just a chance for me to win an unknown prize. Nina began to contact me once I emailed her my post. She encouraged me to purchase more of the kiwi flavored drinks when I posted a picture of the kiwi flavored drink I purchased at CoVeau Drinkery and Eatery here in town. She also advised kiwi conditioner for my curly hair. Dollar general had a clearance sale on kiwi shampoo and conditioner so I went for it and decided to incorporate 3-6 kiwis per week. Did I notice a change in hair or health? The shampoo and conditioner left me with silky curls and compliments. Nutritionally, I had a little more energy by the end of my work shifts on the days I ate kiwis. I’m ready for another swag bag already!





Duana Wainwright

I’m happy this challenge found me! My goals for this challenge were to use kiwis in a detoxifying and nutritional balance. Graduation is around the corner and I’ve had my eye on this dress at the mall in Viva Las Vegas! I stuck to what the challenge said to do and consumed three kiwis a


Kiwi and fruits and vegetables Duana bought and documented as part of the Kiwi Challenge.

day. Kiwis help with detoxification and detoxing might as well be my middle name since I’m in the radiology program; taking x rays will generate low amounts of ionizing radiation to the body. I could tell I was detoxing when I broke out in a heavy sweat a few times during the challenge. As for the dress, the kiwis may have helped me reach my goal. I would eat kiwis on the way home from clincials. Since I’m currently traveling for clincials, driving by all the fast food & restraunts hasn’t been easy but for some reason the kiwis help with sweet and salty cravings. I will participate in the next one even though I’ll be a 2018 graduate.


Here’s to Kiwis,

Antonina Martorano, Bullhead City Campus Student Blogger
