MCC, NAU, Sun Corridor will host meeting to address internet service issues in I-40 corridor


Fiber optic cable running above ground in the British Countryside
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On behalf of Mohave Community College, Northern Arizona University and the Sun Corridor Network, you are invited to learn about and discuss current initiatives and future partnerships involving the establishment of improved network accessibility, affordability, availability, and reliability along the Interstate-40 Corridor. 

A meeting will be help on Thursday, April 19 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the MCC Kingman Campus, 1971 Jagerson Ave, Room 508.

This meeting will address the absence of available fiber along the I-40 corridor, which limits reliable redundant paths for core fiber services that are increasingly critical to institutions, businesses, and communities in California, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.  Moreover, the tribal communities along I-40 are among the least connected populations in the United States.

Adoption and use of the internet by communities along I-40 for education training, health and wellness, economic development and services delivery, is currently well below 25 percent. These disconnected rural communities are placed at significant disadvantage and further risk against both general public policy goals and more personal aspirations that are left unfilled due to the lack of 21st century robust internet network services availability.

There are many initiatives and conversations about improving broadband networks among tribal, federal, state, community and private entities.  The Sun Corridor Network and other stakeholders in New Mexico, California and Nevada have a broad vision to develop a strategic pathway among a broad coalition. This should help spark the planning, deployment, and accelerated use of a robust network infrastructure to support the needs of all education systems along the I-40 corridor and facilitate both public and private opportunities in communities among the isolated rural communities.

To facilitate this conversation, the Sun Corridor Network has asked Dr. Gil Gonzales to lead the conversation and collect information about networking needs, issues, and opportunities.  This data and our conversation will help inform our interests in forging partnerships to elicit improved network services throughout New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Nevada, according to Sun Corridor Network. 

We hope you will be able to join us in person or via video conference and contribute your interests, insights, and questions to this important issue.


When:             Thursday, April 19

                        10:00 am –  Noon.

Where:            MCC Kingman Campus, Rm 508

                        1971 Jagerson Ave

                        Kingman Arizona

Why:                Help start the process to improve internet service along I-40 corridor

For more info: MCC Chief Information Officer Mark VanPelt


