Exciting Announcement! Great changes coming for MCC Nursing


Practical Nursing LPN
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The Mohave Community College Nursing department has two exciting announcements – one for the southern Mohave County campuses and one for the North Mohave campus. 

First, the Arizona State Board of Nursing officially approved the Practical Nurse program.  

MCC Practical Nursing graduates pinning ceremony July 2018.

MCC Practical Nursing graduates pinning ceremony July 2018. (Left to Right) – Melissa Torres, Jessica McConnell, Alesha Pannier, Amber Briseno-Robinson, Jody Allen, Kassondra Ziegler, Rebecca Edwards, Paige Escamilla, Desiree Brewer, Monika Bermejo, Arielle Maze, Linda Gunther, David Mizrahi, Dakota Santineau

The changes on the southern Mohave County MCC campuses are intended to improve the overall student experience and success on the national board exam – the National Council Licensure Examination-Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN). 

The changes include:

  • A contemporary curriculum that is student-centered.
  • MCC will now accept two Practical Nurse cohorts (groups of students) each year instead of one.  Now students can start the Practical Nurse program in either fall semester or spring semester.
  • Courses will be offered at all Southern Campus locations.
  • Evening and weekend scheduling options.
  • High fidelity simulation lab experiences.

“This is great news for the community because these changes will not only result in continued excellent education for our students, but we will also be able to offer twice as many students the opportunity to become Practical Nurses,” said June Weiss, MCC director of nursing programs. 

The next start date for the new Practical Nurse program is January 2019.  Applications will be accepted until October 1st

Questions should be addressed by calling (928) 681-5620.

On the MCC North Mohave campus, due to the increased demand, the nursing program is expanding. 

Picture of the group of 2018 Registered Nurse graduates from the North Mohave Campus

2018 Registered Nurse graduates from the North Mohave Campus.

The North Mohave campus will now offer a second admission for the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Nursing.

“This is very exciting for everyone here along the Arizona-Utah border,” said Colette Cox, MCC advisor.  “We have so many people applying for the nursing program that we turn away dozens each year, but now with our new facility we can virtually double the number of students allowed in the program.”

The second nursing cohort will begin in the spring semester and all applications must also be submitted by October 1st to be considered.

“Our new facility on the North Mohave campus is high-tech and allows us to offer more nursing degrees to more people along the border,” said Weiss.  “This is a very positive and exciting time for MCC nursing and we are confident it will help improve our all of our local communities.” 

Students who want to attend the registered nursing program at the North Mohave campus in Colorado City should also contact the PN/RN Programs Assistant at (928) 681-5620.  You may also call 1-866-MOHAVECC and ask for Cheryl Pike.
