Tips for aspiring writers, illustrators from author of book adapted to DreamWorks film


Purple alien from movie home, based on book by Adam Rex
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Children’s author Adam Rex recently held a meet and greet and book signing at the Mohave Community College Kingman Campus and offered tips for aspiring writers and illustrators.

Children's Author Adam Rex hold up likeness of Gratuity

Children’s Author Adam Rex hold up likeness of Gratuity “Tip Tucci, left, and Boov alien from his book. Photo Courtesy: Arizona Daily Star

“You need to give yourself permission to write badly,” said Rex.  “Nobody publishes their first draft of anything, so you do need to give yourself that permission to get that first draft out, just so you have some sort of foundational structure that you can start building on.”

Watch more of his tips and insights in the one minute video Adam Rex Visits MCC.

At  the book signing there was also a viewing of the film Home, a popular children’s movie based on Rex’s novel, The True Meaning of Smekday

The event was part of the Kingman Area Books Are Magic (KABAM!) Festival.



Trailer for the film DreamWorks film Home.

