MCC celebrates national #FirstGen day


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November 8, 2017 is the 52nd Anniversary of the Higher Education Act, and MCC is joining institutions around the country to celebrate first-generation college students, faculty and staff.

MCC has unveiled the MCC First Gen web page for those who are, or were first-generation college students. The page is intended to be an uplifting place where you can share your first-generation student experiences, and read about others.  Several college employees have already contributed to the page. 

The hope is that these shared experiences will help students and families who are attending or planning to attend college for the first time.

“We have a lot of employees who know firsthand that being the first generation of your family to go to college is exciting, and can also be very stressful,” said James Jarman, MCC director of public information.  “When you look at the paperwork to fill out and college jargon and strange titles such as bursar, registrar, dean, it would be strange for a first time college student and their family not to be a little anxious.  Our employees get it, and want to lift the veil and show people there’s nothing to fear. Let us help you, because many of us have been exactly where you are.”

First-generation students and employees are asked to fill out the #FirstGen form, which can also be found on the MCC First Gen web page and share their experiences as the first-generation of their family to attend college. 

The MCC employees who were first-generation college students also encourage you to contact them if you have any questions or concerns about attending college. 

Please share your experiences on social media and use #IamFirstGen with a link to the MCC First Gen web page to help spread the word.
