You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout. I’m telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town!
It’s that time of the year again! Cold weather, hot drinks & spirit all around.
Last Thursday, the Lake Havasu campus had their annual MCC Shines event and it was a huge success! People filled the building and snatched every seat available to be able to see the special performance from the Lake Havasu Ballet.
There was drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy throughout the performance. After the performance everyone gathered outside around the Christmas tree for the tree lighting ceremony. Needless to say, the campus turned into a colorful wonderland!
After the tree lighting ceremony everyone made their way to the 500 building to see all the Christmas trees that the clubs and staff designed for the Holiday Tree Decorating contest.
Staff at our Hodel Library created a Star Wars themed tree making Darth Vader the main attraction and taking 1st place in the contest.
Surgical Technology created a colorful and bright Willy Wonka themes tree taking 2nd place in the contest.
Coming in 3rd place was the Student Services tree, they created a very traditional Christmas tree almost exactly what you would find in every families’ home. (Not pictured)
The Veterans Club decorated their tree a little bit spooky but with a lot of holiday spirit, they added creepy crawlers, pumpkins, and a big ol’ dead skeleton with a Santa hat right next to the tree.
Creative Spaces created the Poet tree, they tied poems they enjoyed and put them on the tree for the taking, by the end of the event there was hardly any left!
The Big Horn Decoders lined their tree with wire to give it that 21st century computer theme.
Last, but certainly not least, the I.T. Department made a tree that really made the whole building feel warm and toasty. They filled the tree with lights and gathered computer monitors around the bottom and placed fireplace videos on the screen and played Christmas songs, if that doesn’t make you want to sit down with a blanket and hot chocolate, I don’t know what does!
There was a train of people winding around the building waiting in line to take pictures with Santa and Boomer, there were props and treats for kids to bring home as a keepsake with their photos.
As this semester comes to close, MCC wants to thank everyone who came to this event and all our previous others.
MCC is wishing you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Verenice Ramirez-Garay
Student Multimedia Reporter, LHC Campus
For comments, questions, or story ideas please e-mail me at: vramirezgaray@mohave.edu