Mohave Community College held Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies this week for the new Veterans Centers at the Lake Havasu City and Bullhead City campuses.
Mohave County Judge Mitch Kalauli, Havasu Fire Chief Brian Davis and Havasu Mayor Cal Sheehy helped show the community the college’s newest additions that exclusively benefits veterans who are MCC students.
The Scottsdale nonprofit Support Education & Employment for Vets, S.E.E.4Vets was instrumental in partnering with the college to help expand the Veterans Center concept to the Havasu ad Bullhead Campuses.
S.E.E.4Vets heard about the MCC Kingman Veterans Center that was created last fall, and was so successful that the group donated more than $12,000 to the projects.
All of the college Veterans Centers are located in the campus libraries, where students have easy access to many resources, including the MCC Student Success Centers and tutors.
Inside each center are computers, study and reading areas, and resource boards that include local information for veterans from local businesses, groups and agencies.
For more information on college services available for veterans, please contact MCC Veterans Services Coordinator Jimi Hammond at 1-928-757-0818 or through email at JHammond@Mohave.edu.

Bullhead City Campus Veterans Center Ribbon Cutting. (From left to right) College Governing Board President Julie Bare, MCC Student Veterans Club Member Justin Swainston, Student Activities President Jessica Perez, Campus Dean Carolyn Hamblin, College Chief of Instruction Stephen Eaton.

Lake Havasu City Campus Veterans Center Ribbon Cutting. (From left to right) Mayor Cal Sheehy, Student Activities Council Vice President Nicholas Magee, Campus Dean Jann Woods, Mohave County Judge Mitch Kalauli, Fire Chief Brian Davis.