MCC math success to be showcased at national convention


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Mohave Community College has been so successful preparing students to succeed at math, that college representatives have been invited to a national conference to showcase how they did it.

The Higher Learning Commission, H.L.C., National Conference is the first week of April 7th in Chicago.  H.L.C. invited MCC to explain the college’s new Transitional Math initiative that led to higher student success rates.

Tricia Hanks headshot

Tricia Hanks, MCC Director of Enrollment Management

H.L.C. is the accrediting agency for more than 1,000 colleges, including MCC.  The Commission ensures the advancement and quality of higher learning among the schools they monitor.

The college’s new Transitional Math approach prepares students to succeed at college-level math and end the students’ fear of math. One of the employees who was key to successfully implementing the innovative concept is the Director of Enrollment Management Tricia Hanks, who will be one of the college’s two speakers at the national conference.   

“Nerve-wracking, humbling, and incredible,” Hanks said about giving a presentation for the H.L.C. “But I think our enthusiasm and what we have to show for the successful outcomes of our students will show right through.” 

abigail Jaimes Gomez headshot

MCC Transitional Math Faculty Abigail Jaimes-Gomez

Hanks and College Instructor Abigail Jaimes-Gomez will outline how Transitional Math helped improve student success rates in the subject from the 60 percent range to 90 percent. 

One important aspect they will highlight includes the Student Success Center. There is a center on each southern campus, staffed with tutors every day of the school week.  There is also 24-7 online tutoring, and the college uses the EdReady math program to help students map out what they need to learn to succeed.  

The Student Success Centers also have hotlines set up to help students tackle life issues, such as scheduling challenges when it comes to balancing family, work, and classes.

The new approach for Transitional Math was developed after traditional math instruction efforts failed to see improvements.  The college developed a new plan that would be more focused on the individual student’s understanding of math. 

“One of the principal changes was transitioning the course from lecture-based to a blended, flexible, and adaptive course,” said Jaimes-Gomez. “Students now have the opportunity to have the course built uniquely around their own individual needs.” 

Jaimes-Gomez and Hanks both agree that the success of the program is thanks in large part to the team effort that involved employees from all levels of the college.

For more information on the Transitional Math and other services the college provides to help students succeed in college, check out the Student Success Center web page or call 1-866-MOHAVECC (866-664-2832).


