MCC Connecting the Community event: your life, your community, your future


picutre of building with words Connecting the Community event March 28, 2019 10:30am-3:00pm 3400 highway 95 bullhead city.
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Mohave Community College is once again bringing students, community members and business leaders together with a focus on building a great future.

The college’s second annual Connecting the Community event is free to attend and the atmosphere will be fun and casual, with music and complimentary food for attendees.  This year the college is also hosting the Show and Shine Car Show at MCC ConCom.

Residents of Mohave County and the tristate region are invited to join the college, the MCC Foundation, Tristate Pain Institute, Western Arizona Medical Center, DOT Foods, Airgas, Mohave Electric Cooperative, A & G Towing, and many more at the March 28 event.

“You’ll be able to speak with employers who will also be joined by college employees who help prepare students for a successful future,” said MCC Campus Dean Carolyn Hamblin, who is organizing the event with the MCC Foundation. “This is a win-win opportunity to help residents and the community.”

crowd of students at the 2018 ConCom event

Mohave Accelerated Learning Center and Mohave High school students attending MCC ConCom in 2018.

People will learn about the benefits of higher education, and see firsthand how it helps lead to higher paying careers and successful futures.

The college offers more than 80 degrees and certificates, and event attendees have the chance to meet with faculty and staff from those educational programs.

“We’ll have teams from all of our campuses at this one event to show how MCC can help you improve your future earning power,” said James Jarman, college director of public information.  “You’ll also be able to talk with business owners and find out the education and skills they want you to have, then talk with college advisers about mapping out a plan to learn those skills.”   

MCC ConCom attendees will have the opportunity to learn about jobs in the medical industry and meet with faculty from the college’s vast Allied Health programs such as Dental, Medical Assisting, Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant, Surgical Technology, and Radiologic Technology.

The college Career & Technical Education program faculty will be on hand share information about Culinary, HVAC/R, Welding, Truck Driving, Electrical, Auto Collision and Auto Service.

General Education faculty from Arts & Humanities, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Math and Psychology will be available to discuss their courses and answer questions.

Many students who earn an associate degree in the MCC general education programs simultaneously complete the first two years of study toward a bachelor’s degree.  Those students end up saving an estimated $15,000 in tuition alone by starting at MCC then transferring to one of the college’s university partners to earn a bachelor’s degree.

MCC will have a team on hand at ConCom to explain how to get the most benefit from the college’s university transfer partnerships.

Parents are also encouraged to attend the event to find out how their children can earn college credits at no cost while in high school, as well as the many MCC scholarship opportunities available.  

College partner Goodwill of Central & Northern Arizona will hold a Hiring Festival at MCC ConCom.  It will provide information about employment opportunities in the region, as well as offer opportunities to teach people interview skills, resume building and much more.  

people at event

Mohave Accelerated and Mohave High school students attending MCC ConCom in 2018.

Businesses that would like to participate in MCC ConCom are encouraged to contact the college as soon as possible.  Money raised through sponsorships and vendor fees will support local college students.

“This is great for the community and a great way to help students in our region,” said MCC Foundation Executive Director Lyn Demaret. “The Foundation will use proceeds from MCC ConCom to fund college scholarships for students.”

MCC ConCom is March 28 from 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the MCC Bullhead City Campus – 3400 Hwy 95.  Music provided by Radio DJ Loke Lau.

More information is available online at You can also contact Hamblin at or 1-866-MOHAVECC. 


Download MCC ConCom Flyer 

Download the Show and Shine Car Show Flyer

What:             MCC ConCom

When :            March 28

                        10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Where:            MCC Bullhead City Campus

                        3400 Highway 95

Contact:          Carolyn Hamblin, Bullhead City Campus Dean

                        928-704-9400 or

More information at 

