Month: April 2019


Kingman Campus Observatory Joins RECON.

The Observatory on the Kingman Campus has joined 53 others as part of a multi-state project aimed at exploring the outer solar system. RECON is a citizen science research project aimed at exploring the Kuiper Belt and they’ve moved a new telescope to the Kingman Campus Observatory so that they can measure the size of various space formations within the Kuiper Belt.    The new telescope...
Posted on in Press Release.

Meet and greet the candidates for MCC President

The Mohave Community College Board of Governors invites all college employees, students and community members to meet the four finalists in the nationwide search for the next college president. You will have an opportunity to meet the candidates at an MCC campus near you on April 24 and April 25.  The finalists will visit with each MCC campus at the times and locations provided below.  The North Moh...
Posted on in Press Release.

Finalists selected in MCC President search

The Mohave Community College Board of Governors has selected four finalists in the nationwide search for the next college president. The finalists will be visiting the MCC campuses and the communities on April 24-25.  Details about times and locations for meetings with college employees, students and community members will be released soon.  THe new The candidates being considered for the position...
Posted on in Press Release.