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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the residents and taxpayers of Mohave County Community College District that the Board of Governors of the district will hold a Public Hearing and a Special Board Meeting for consideration of the proposed budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year.  The Public Hearing will be held via Interactive Television (ITV) originating at the campus in the City of Kingman, 1971 Jagerson Ave., Kingman, AZ  86409, at 9:00 a.m., on Thursday, June 13, 2019, in Room 508.  The hearing may also be attended at these additional campus locations: Lake Havasu City, 1977 West Acoma Blvd. in Room 508, 3400 Highway 95, Bullhead City, Arizona  86442, Room 508; 480 S. Central, Colorado City, AZ  86021, Room 103.  A Special Board Meeting for the purpose of adopting the District’s 2019-20 Budget will be held at the same locations at 9:15 a.m.  Budget data conforms to the mandates of law as specified in ARS 15-1461 concerning the advertisement and publication of Budget information.  Mohave County Community College District is in compliance with primary tax levy limitations for 2019-20 based on 2019 assessed valuation estimates.  It is the intent of the District to be in full compliance with all applicable provisions of ARS 42-201.  When actual 2019 assessed valuation amounts are determined, the District’s primary tax levy proposed for 2019-20 will be adjusted, if necessary, to meet the legal requirements.


mcc budget table

mcc budget table

mcc budget table
