MCC student is 2019 Coca-Cola Leader of Promise Scholar


picture of mcc student christina henslee who was awarded the coca cola leaders of promise award
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Mohave Community College Student Christina Henslee was just selected as a 2019 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar.

Henslee is one of just 207 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society members across America named as a Promise Scholar, and she will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

The MCC science major received the award because of her academic excellence and campus leadership roles.  She is president of the Bullhead City campus Student Activities Council and Vice President of the campus PTK Honor Society.

picture of mcc student christina henslee who was awarded the coca cola leaders of promise award

Christina Henslee, Coca-Cola Promise Scholar

Henslee was shocked when the national honor society informed her that she is a Coca-Cola Promise Scholar.

“My family and husband weren’t surprised, but I was because I know how many incredible students are out there and how hard they work,” said Henslee. “It was definitely a surprise because we are all working very hard to achieve our goals. “

She is working toward a career as a Research Scientist.  She gained a love of science as a child when her grandpa would let her look through the microscopes at Western Arizona Regional Medical Center where he worked.

“I remember just being fascinated by it and I always knew that’s what I wanted for my future,” she said. “MCC is helping me achieve that dream, in large part because the faculty is amazing and it’s so affordable to start here and get my associate’s degree, then go to a university and get my bachelor’s degree.”

The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship Program helps new Phi Theta Kappa members defray educational expenses while enrolled in associate degree programs. Scholars are encouraged to assume leadership roles by participating in Society programs and are selected based on scholastic achievement, community service, and leadership potential.

“The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation has a long history of providing financial assistance to outstanding students at community colleges,” said Jane Hale Hopkins, President of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. “We are proud to partner with Phi Theta Kappa, make it possible for more deserving students to achieve their educational goals, and support tomorrow’s leaders of the global community.”

Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing academic achievements of students at two year colleges like MCC, and helping students grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters.

For more information on joining an MCC campus PTK Honor Society, just head online to and click on the Phi Theta Kappa box.

The college is currently enrolling students in fall semester classes, which begin on August  26.  Apply for free today at, or call 1-866-MOHAVECC (1-866-664-2832).
