KINGMAN – Mohave Community College and Mohave County Juvenile Probation partnered up through Project Aim to connect students to educational resources.
MCC recruiters were able to expose AIM students to different aspects of education. Students were able to sit in a college class and participate in a discussion and work with the welding simulator. Students also visited the college science lab where they froze Oreos and racquetballs with liquid nitrogen, and make their voice sound deeper with sulfur hexafluoride.
College employees also helped the students see that higher education will lead to many career opportunities, and it si all within their reach at MCC. They took a career assessment, to see the types of careers that might fit their interests.
College Student Services Office Manager Tiffany Gaffney assisted the group of students by helping them fill out the application to take college courses.
Gaffney also talked with the students about the various degree options they have at an MCC. She said three students filled out applications with WAVE/JTED for assistance with certificate programs, and she is following up with students who applied and showed interest in MCC.
MCC is pleased to work with Project AIM, which has a mission to provide services and safe spaces for delinquent youth and their families in Mohave County. Their vision is to Aspire, Instill and Motivate.

Project AIM students.