MCC business office awarded ACE award for three years


Margi Chatwood, Jonathan Neth, Connie Shelley
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MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College’s Business Office has recently won the BankMobile ACE Award.  

The college Bursar Office has been awarded the Achieve Campus Efficiency award for three consecutive years.

“The Bursar’s Office does the best to achieve campus efficiency according to the criteria set forth by BankMobile,” said Connie Shelley, MCC Bursar. “There are daily, weekly, and monthly processes we complete in order to achieve this status so that MCC continues to be an ACE Award recipient.”

Shelley, Margi Chatwood and Jonathan Neth received the award. The three join just over 100 other Bursar’s Offices across the country in receiving the award.

The award recognizes offices that distributed more than 90% of all refunds during the period of Jan. 1 through Nov. 1 in 2019. They also recognize that more than 40% of all students, regardless of financial aid eligibility completed the refund selection process.

In aggregate, institutions that partner with BankMobile have the highest electronic disbursement rates in higher education – 86.5% out of 6.9 million disbursements processed by BankMobile during this time were delivered electronically by direct deposit into the account of the students’ choosing.

Margi Chatwood, Jonathan Neth, Connie Shelley

Award recipients pictured left-right are: Accounts Specialist Margi Chatwood, Office Technician Jonathan Neth and Bursar Connie Shelley.

3 awards on shelf
