MOHAVE COUNTY – Two Mohave Community College students are now representing all of the northern Arizona Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society chapters.
Kyran Benedict Soriano and Elizabeth Najera were elected as Regional Officers for the Northern District of Arizona and hold the title of co-vice president. They both won elections at the 2019 Regional Convention Meeting in Phoenix.
Soriano and Najera have held the position now for about a year and have the opportunity to serve as a link between international headquarters and local PTK chapters. Locally they are part of the PTK Kingman chapter. Soriano is PTK president and Najera is vice president of scholarship.
“Kyran and I are co-vice presidents of the northern district of Arizona so we oversee all 23 chapters in the state. We put on a leadership development institute and that helps students get to know what their strengths are when being a leader,” said Najera.
Regional officers are encouraged to set goals for their region’s participation in society programs, attend chapter inductions and special events, serve as a resource for chapter officers and preside at regional meetings. All of Phi Theta Kappa’s 29 regions across the country elect regional officers at their regional conventions, but duties vary on the region.
Najera said that another part of the position is working with other officers via email and video conferencing which teaches her how to communicate with people from a distance.
“As a regional officer, it’s like chapter office but it’s bigger, and you have more people helping you and you help more people,” Soriano said.
Najera is currently working on her Associate of Arts with an emphasis in Elementary Education. Soriano is working toward his Associate of Science with an emphasis in Chemistry and Engineering.
PTK is a national honor society for two-year college students with grade point averages of at least 3.5, and membership benefits include access to more higher education scholarships.
For more information on MCC Phi Theta Kappa chapters visit, www.mohave.edu/clubs.

Kyran Benedict Soriano and Elizabeth Najera.