Month: June 2020


Synthetic human will help MCC surgical technology and health care students

MOHAVE COUNTY – Her name is Olga and she looks as real as any human walking around. Her insides are hard and cold and she is kept in an incubator with water when she isn't in surgery.   Mohave Community College Surgical Technician program has a new SynDaver Synthetic Human for students to learn and get a more hands on experience.   Michelle Diaz, MCC Surgical Technician program Director...
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New scholarship opportunity for North Mohave health care students

MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College health care students at the North Mohave campus have a new scholarship opportunity.  The donations will come from WellCare Community Foundation which gave $20,000 and Care 1st donated $10,000. The new endowment is called Care1st CARES.  "The scholarship came about when Care First and community leaders connected to solve local problems. The new clinic ...
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MCC adds new social media marketing course for fall semester

MOHAVE COUNTY – The Mohave Community College Business program is innovating yet again by introducing its new Social Media Marketing course.   The new course, BUE 165: Social Media Marketing, is being offered during the upcoming Fall semester to help students gain valuable insights into a growing career field and help local business professionals harness their skills and creativity to grow their b...
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MCC Newscast – Mohave Minutes – June 2020

MCC News shares the college news and events, along with faculty, staff and student stories from Mohave Community College each month. Known as the "Mohave Minutes" it is intended to be a quick source of information to keep you updated on what's happening at the college's four campuses.   If you have an MCC story idea please email it to  You can also view this and previous newsca...
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Upcoming MCC virtual Q & A sessions show that everyone can be a college student, get on path to a great career

MOHAVE COUNTY – A college degree or skills certificate helps a person earn more money, and is a step on the path to a more financially secure future for themselves and their families.   Market research shows, over the course of their life, a Mohave Community College graduate earns approximately $750,000 more than a Mohave County resident who only has a high school diploma. To help the public see h...
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Mohave Community College: Respect, Support and Acceptance

Mohave Community College is committed to maintaining an environment of respect, support and acceptance; one that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We are committed to building a social and educational environment free of harassment, prejudice, and injustice and one that supports necessary shifts in societal thinking that infringes on the rights of others. A rich diversity of pe...
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