The college Art Club and Psychology Club, Psyched Out, invite you to the virtual Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Art Show.
MCC students and employees are invited to participate in the art show. Participants are allowed to enter up to 3 items to be shared via Zoom. Costumes and face painting are encouraged.
For more information and to submit entries please contact:
- Art Club Advisor Ann King at aking@mohave.edu
- Art Club President Amber Cole at noname15453525@gmail.com
- Psyched Out Advisor Sierra Stewart at sstewart@mohave.edu
- Psyched Out President Ashlynn Clark at clark3777@students.mohave.edu
When: Oct. 27 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Where Virtual Zoom Link: https://mohave.zoom.us/j/3065324072