Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Kingman chapter inducted 18 new members


Phi Theta Kappa Kingman chapter held it's induction ceremony Friday.
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The Mohave Community College chapter of Alpha Chi Omega of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recently hosted its induction ceremony Friday for new members virtually for Fall 2020. 

New Phi Theta Kappa inductees include: Lindsey Raybould, Courtney Williams, Aleyna Steele, Sarah Skinner, Stephanie Powell, Kara Atkins, Briana Kirksey, Justin McClain, Mandie Price, Rachel Masters, Dustin Smith, Megan McLaughlin, Karrissa Goforth, Amber Cole, Bonnie Benoit, Chloe Parker, Leah Parker and Bianca Alvarado. 

Dr. Fred Gilbert, Dean of Kingman Campus, opened the ceremony with welcoming remarks and former chapter President Kyran Benedict Soriano was the guest speaker. Advisors are John Hansen, Dr. John Kitts, and Dr. Trever Holland. 

Officers include Alonda Perkins (President), Kiara Angelika Soriano (Vice President of Leadership), Michelle Drwal (Vice President of Service), Lazarus Humphreys (Vice President of Scholarship), and Kendra Ellis (Communications). 

The event is typically held on campus every semester but after the college limited face-to-face activities because of the pandemic, club officers and advisors began reimagining how the event would work in an online capacity. 

While this was a new learning experience for everyone and the chapter had to adjust some things, one thing remained a constant: support. 

“The new members had family and friends join us on Zoom who were really cheering them on. It was great to see all of the enthusiasm and smiling faces,” said John Hansen, chapter advisor. 

Phi Theta Kappa’s mission is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students by providing an opportunity for leadership, service and development. 

Eighteen new members were inducted Friday and were joined by friends and family.

Eighteen new members were inducted Friday and were joined by friends and family.
