Real Toads Poetry Society Reading event, Saturday Feb. 13th, 6pm.
Real Toads Poetry Society in association with Mohave Community College presents a reading, featuring author and Best of the Net nominee Arielle K. Jones along with MCC writing professors J. Peter Roth and Tara Williams reading from their original work.
Join this great event on Zoom at https://mohave.zoom.us/j/98138157806
Arielle K. Jones is a QWoC from California’s Central Valley. She earned her MFA from Fresno State University. A Tin House Summer Workshop and Winter Tangerine alumna, Arielle has pieces with The Rumpus, Blood Tree Lit, Blood Orange Review, and others. Her story, “Sabbath,” is a 2020 Best of the Net Nominee. Her work often portrays intimacy and underrepresented identities through taboos, and fairytales.
J. Peter Roth received his MA from St. Louis University-Madrid, and his MFA from Portland State University. He lives in Coos Bay, Oregon, and he teaches writing online at Mohave Community College in Arizona. In the past, his work has appeared in Spork, Rosebud, Confrontation, The Jakarta Post, Gertrude, and iō Literary Journal.
Tara Williams teaches writing and literature courses at Mohave Community College. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing Fiction from Fresno State University. Her literary writing has appeared in Entropy’s Black Cackle, Southwest Review, Apparition Literary Magazine, The Weird Reader Vol. III and other journals.