MCC 2021 Commencement to Follow Updated CDC Guidance


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MOHAVE COUNTY – The Centers for Disease Control announced today (5/13/2021) it is no longer recommending face coverings or social distancing for people who are fully vaccinated.  

MCC has followed CDC guidance from the beginning of the pandemic, which means the college will not require face coverings and social distancing for those who have been fully vaccinated and are attending tomorrow’s commencement ceremonies.   

The college is still recommending those who have not been fully vaccinated wear face coverings and social distance, and you are encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

The college Pandemic Committee will meet Monday (5/17) to discuss the details of the new guidance and options regarding changes for future on-campus procedures.   You can read more about the updated CDC Guidance here and at  The Commencement webpage also has updated information for those attending the May 14 ceremonies.

