MCC art club hosts Day of the Dead art show 2 Kingman, 1 North Mohave students named winners


Day of the Dead art show in Kingman.
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Mohave Community College Art Club held a Day of the Dead art show at the MCC Beale Street Center Friday. Students from all campuses submitted artwork for a chance to win a grand prize.

The first place winner was Cj Nelson from the Kingman campus with an acrylic painting called “Flowers Guide.” Second place was Alyss Aragon also from the Kingman campus and used paint to to create her painting “Moonchild.”  Third place was given to a North Mohave campus student, Toland Mayo, for his photograph “Butterfly & Sepia.”

Art was was from MCC Art, Visual Communications students and any student who wished to be part of the show. For more information about MCC’s Art and Visual Communications programs, visit 


"Flowers Guide" by CJ Nelson (Kingman), first place.

“Flowers Guide” by CJ Nelson (Kingman), first place.

"Moonchild" by Alyss Aragon (Kingman), second place.

“Moonchild” by Alyss Aragon (Kingman), second place.

"Butterfly & Sepia" by Toland Mayo (North Mohave), third place.

“Butterfly & Sepia” by Toland Mayo (North Mohave), third place.
