MCC’s educational developer selected for Campus Compact’s Engaged Scholars Initiative


Abigail Jaimes-Gomez, Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning at Mohave Community College.
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MOHAVE COUNTY – Campus Compact this week announced the 15 faculty and staff selected as the 2022-2023 cohort of Engaged Scholars as part of its Engaged Scholars Initiative. Abigail Jaimes-Gomez, Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning at Mohave Community College, has been selected to participate in the year-long program that will strengthen her individual and collective scholarship, research and impact.

Over the course of the academic year, Jaimes-Gomez will participate in professional development, virtual learning opportunities, retreats, and individual support through mentoring and coaching.

“It’s a great privilege to represent our college community in this leadership program,” Jaimes-Gomez said. “Equity-focused change is at the center of what we do—it impacts our ability to improve the outcomes and attainment of all of our students especially those who are underserved. This is a great professional opportunity to learn, share new knowledge and support ongoing efforts to provide equitable learning opportunities that support all students”.

The Engaged Scholars Initiative is a year-long collaborative learning and leadership program. Each cohort consists of a diverse group of early-career faculty and staff who are equipped to lead equity-focused change at their institution and in communities.

Scholars were selected from a highly competitive pool of candidates from Campus Compact member institutions. Scholars were nominated by institutional leaders and represent 14 institutions from 12 states. MCC President Dr. Stacy Klippenstein nominated Jaimes-Gomez.

“MCC is proud of Abigail Jaimes-Gomez for being selected as a Campus Compact Scholar. Ms. Jaimes-Gomez offers a unique connection and relationship with our community,” Dr. Klippenstein said. “Abigail has grown up in the community and has occupied diverse roles as a student, alumni, staff member and faculty member of Mohave Community College. The knowledge she will gain will only improve the education and support we provide all students.”

The Engaged Scholars Initiative is led by Campus Compact and is offered in partnership with the Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility at Swarthmore College. The Lang Center at Swarthmore College is a strategic partner whose thought leadership, in-kind staffing, and financial support are critical to the success of the program.

Read more about the Engaged Scholars Initiative on the Campus Compact website at

Campus Compact is a national coalition of colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education. Campus Compact supports institutions in fulfilling their public purposes by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. As the largest national higher education association dedicated solely to campus-based civic engagement, we provide professional development to administrators and faculty to enable them to engage effectively, facilitate national partnerships connecting campuses with key issues in their local communities, build pilot programs to test and refine promising models in engaged teaching and scholarship, celebrate and cultivate student civic leadership, and convene higher education institutions and partners beyond higher education to share knowledge and develop collective capacity. Visit

Abigail Jaimes-Gomez, Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning at Mohave Community College.

Abigail Jaimes-Gomez, Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning at Mohave Community College.
