MCC helps get elementary students thinking about future careers (Video Included)


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A wonderful example of one of the College’s great partnerships that help get kids thinking about their future.  Read more from the Mohave Valley Daily News about the 5th graders from Mohave Accelerated Learning Center visiting the MCC Bullhead City campus.

Story by Fred Mason, MVDN

BULLHEAD CITY — For the second year in a row, Mohave Accelerated Elementary School fifth-graders descended on Mohave Community College’s kitchen to earn some hands-on experience and learn about what the college has to offer. About 75 MAES students learned to make pico de gallo as part of the school’s annual visit to the college to showcase the many fields of study offered at MCC. They would enjoy the fruits of their labor that evening, as the salsa was used for the school’s Taco Tuesday Family Night Event, with the rest of the catering provided by MCC and the high school’s dual enrollment students.

Last year, MCC created the Fifth Grade Academy to help fifth-grade students and their families start thinking about and preparing for college. In addition to preparing the salsa for the elementary school’s Taco Tuesday Family Night Event, students toured the dental hygiene, radiology, culinary and hospitality, HVAC, automotive and welding departments. “This year we had smaller groups, so they were able to see more classes and ask more questions,” said Erika Van Wyhe, MAES fifth-grade teacher.

Read the rest of the story from the Mohave Valley Daily News

ALSO, check out the cool video of the 5th graders visiting our Bullhead City campus. A special thank you to MCC team member Caitlin and the recruitment team for sharing the video!

