BULLHEAD CITY – Mohave Community College, the MCC Foundation and ARIZONA@WORK are partnering for this year’s Bighorn Trek event (formerly known as Connecting the Community, or ConCom).
The first annual Bighorn Trek event will feature college programs and businesses who hire those program graduates. ARIZONA@WORK will hold a large hiring event with many businesses throughout the tristate searching for employees, so job seekers should bring their resumes. The annual MCC Show and Shine Car Show will also be a prominent feature at the event, helping highlight the College Auto Collision Repair and Auto Service programs.
The goal of Bighorn Trek is to bring community members, students and business leaders together with a singular purpose – helping improve lives and our community.
Bighorn Trek is a free community workforce event at the Mohave Community College Bullhead City campus March 30, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Attendees of all ages will learn how the college and local businesses work together to help them get on the path to good careers with family-sustaining salaries.
“We want to promote the pathways to careers across the tristate area and help connect people with opportunities we have here at the College and throughout the community,” said Gary Cooper, dean of student and community engagement for the Bullhead City campus.
MCC Chief Institutional Planning and Advancement Office Shawn Bristle led the effort to bring the event to the Bullhead City campus in 2018 under the Connecting the Community banner. “I’m so glad to see this has developed into Bighorn Trek and will be happening now on all of our campuses because this is such a great way to highlight the benefits the college provides our students and communities, as well as show the connection between the college and the careers available throughout our region,” said Bristle.
There will be opportunities to meet with college faculty and local business and community leaders who are experienced and ready to talk about the skills needed to become successful.
“We are really excited to partner with Mohave Community College and local businesses to identify skills gaps in the workforce,” said Joe Throneberry ARIZONA@WORK Business Services Coordinator. “These types of events are critical in bringing together the needs of employers with the resources of the college to meet the workforce needs within our County. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with employers to identify skills and credentials needed for the job and then ARIZONA@WORK will be on site to help with funding for qualified participants to identify a career pathway.”
Proceeds from Bighorn Trek sponsorships and vendor fees will support the MCC Foundation, which raises funds for college scholarships across the MCC district.
Those interested in being an event sponsor and/or vendor should register now at BighornTrek.com. Join the fun and help improve our community’s future!
You can also contact MCC Bullhead City Campus Dean of Student and Community Engagement Gary Cooper at GCooper@Mohave.edu for more information.
What: MCC Bighorn Trek
Where: Bullhead City Campus, 3400 Hwy 95, Bullhead City, AZ
When: March 30, 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.