MCC chooses contractor to build first on-campus student housing 


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BULLHEAD CITY – The next step in building the first-ever facilities for student housing is now underway. 

The Mohave Community College Board of Governors voted Friday in favor of the college administration’s recommendation to name Kinney Construction Services and Todd and Associates, two Arizona companies, as the general contractor and design team. 

The conceptual design is for Kinney Construction Services to build 16 two-bedroom, single level apartments on the Bullhead City campus. Construction is expected to be completed in June of 2024. 

“This is very exciting for the students, the college and the community,” said MCC President Dr. Stacy Klippenstein.  “Student housing is part of our Facilities Master Plan to help provide a housing option for students, and in a broader perspective, help lessen the burden on the housing shortage our region’s experiencing.” 

The College began researching student housing in response to student requests, preliminary Facilities Master Plan results, community support and athletic program logistics. Surveys and multiple meetings were convened, including a highly publicized public meeting in February where the City of Bullhead announced a resolution in support of student housing at MCC. It was determined that student housing could be a benefit for students, a new revenue stream for College and an added asset to the community. 

The on-campus housing design may also include a larger apartment for a resident manager, laundry facilities, common area study space, mechanical rooms, janitorial rooms, mail area and an office space. It was estimated that the total building would be approximately 25,000 square feet. 
