Kingman Miner: MCC Alumna Sara Ungaro is Mohave County Community Services Workforce Development Manager


Sara Ungaro picture from Kingman Miner
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She grew up in Hemet, California and for family reasons, moved to Mohave County in 2005. She pursued her education at Mohave Community College and obtained her GED at the age of 16. She then before embarking on an Associate of Arts degree in science, focusing on psychology.

However, she was prevented from completing her studies when she was diagnosed with late-onset Type 1 diabetes at the age of 25. Her two children were also diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes during their early adolescence. She then put her education and career on hold to care for family.

Finally, in 2015, resolving certain health issues, Ungaro earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in psychology from the University of Phoenix and started a new career in mental health, specializing in crisis services in Mohave County. In 2019, an opportunity arose within Mohave County Community Services Department as a Youth Program Representative and accepted the challenge, saying “to provide more impactful support to individuals in the community who faced significant barriers to employment.” However, she transitioned into this position just before the outbreak of COVID-19, which had a profound impact on workforce services and resulted in a surge in unemployment rates across the country.

Read more here in the Kingman Miner

Get more information on the MCC GED and Adult Education.
