Celebrating 50 years

Celebrating 50 years

Improving Lives Strategic Plan
Mohave Community College has been helping improve lives and communities for 50 years. One of the best ways to spotlight the college is to summarize what we do, and what we plan to do.
Stacy Klippenstein
Since 1971, Mohave Community College has helped more than 65,000 students earn a college degree and/or certificate, transfer to universities and enter the workforce with the necessary skills to succeed. Our 50th anniversary, is a fitting time for the College to reenergize its connections with the communities and constituents it serves.

This “Celebrating 50 Years” website has an interactive timeline of significant moments in the College’s history and a calendar of monthly signature events, which we hope you’ll join us for. As you look through the timeline you will see many historic photos, headlines and faces that represent the tens of thousands of students, employees and community members MCC has impacted. The common goal we share, to build a better future for our families, our communities and ourselves, binds us together across time.

Starting in February 2021, I am offering an opportunity to join me in starting an MCC 50th Anniversary President’s Endowment Fund. This endowment is designed to provide an annual scholarship to a student on each MCC campus. My goal is to raise $50,000 by year’s end and I hope you find the ability to help me in this worthy endeavor. You can donate here or by contacting us at 866-339-7226.

Dr. Stacy Klippenstein
President, Mohave Community College

You can Donate Here
50th anniversary booklet
When you buy the Mohave Community College 50th Anniversary Book you are helping local students achieve their higher education and career goals. A three page digital sample of the book can be viewed here.



MCC was established as a county college by a vote of the people in October. Recognizing the vastness of the service area, the first board of governors made a commitment to establishing three main campus sites.


In June, J. Leonard and Grace Neal donated 160 acres of land where the college’s first facilities were developed.


MCC held its first graduating class of Practical Nursing students. The first class was made up of 24 women and one man.


Fall of 1973, MCC began to offer classes in academic areas, including university transfer courses, leading to associate of arts and associate of applied science degrees.


MCC’s plan for integration into the state system was signed into law, and the college became part of the Arizona State System of Community Colleges.


MCC increased its faculty and staff to meet the demands.


1976 MCC received its first major federal grants. A $76,500 National Science Foundation Grant was applied for and received to develop science labs for the college and a $36,000 grant was received to allow the college to develop Office Education Learning Centers.s


Student Activities Council held its third Annual Miss MCC Beauty Pageant where the winner would represent MCC in the Fiesta Bowl Queen Competition. Miss MCC for 1977 was Jean Orewyler from Mohave Valley. She was the first to wear a tiara made of copper and turquoise, designed and created by the MCC jewelry department.


MCC received the approval from the State Board of Nursing to offer an Associate of Science in Nursing.


The Ford Motor Company provided valuable support for MCC and gave a $10,000 grant for computers.


In September, the college laid out plans for building permanent facilities at NCK, BHC and remolding at LHC. The total cost was $2.5 million and was financed by using saved student fees, state matching funds and revenue bonds.


MCC received full accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.


The Board of Governors approved the development of a telecommunications system to link the three main campuses together electronically.


MCC received full accreditation for an Associate of Science in Nursing.


Northern Arizona University announced that it would offer courses through MCC’s telecommunications system in the spring semester.


“College for Kids,” a new summer program where Kingman and Bullhead City kids were able to enroll in two week classes like “Creating with Clay,” “Exciting World of Computers,” and “T.V. Special Effects”


MCC celebrates 15th anniversary by hosting various activities, like hosting an Autumn Festival and taking a group photo.


MCC entered a contract with the Bullhead City Casino Gaming School to provide training for individuals who wish to work in casino industry in Laughlin, Nevada.


The college began plans to expand the telecommunications system to Colorado City, linking the upper 1/3 of the college’s service area to the other MCC campuses.


MCC expanded its nursing program to Arizona Strip. Expansion would bring locally trained nurses in some Arizona and Utah rural areas.


MCC announced a collaboration with county high schools to set up ACE program which allowed instructors to hold college level classes at high schools.


MCC added new classroom buildings in all southern campuses and hosted ribbon cuttings at each campus. The ceremonies also coincided with the 20th anniversary.


MCC was evaluated by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and was awarded a 10-year accreditation.


MCC expands campuses. The governing board approved to give campuses a new look which included new classroom buildings at LHC, replace or remodel various trailer-type buildings at NCK, BHC and LHC. Expansion project cost was $4 million.


MCC held two graduations for the first time because of growing audiences. The first ceremony was for students earning certificates and the second for those earning degrees.


MCC received a quarter of a million dollars by Grace Neal and Arthur Arnold for the wildlife habitat project. Monies were used for landscaping. Plans included a garden that would attract wildlife, an arboretum and “a nature trail that winds its way through Mohave Sonoran and Great Basin Desert.”


Don Laughlin donated his deed to his ranch home in the Hualapai’s and 20 acres of adjacent property near Kingman, valued more than $1.1 million.


A groundbreaking ceremony took place for the NAU-Mohave building on the Kingman campus. The building opened in November and housed interactive TV studios, a computer lab, classroom and six offices. The project cost $550,000. In 1998 MCC established partnership with NAU. The partnership consisted of sharing resources by allowing NAU to utilize space at Mohave campuses, NAU can focus on providing programs with its resources, rather than constructing new facilities.


MCC offers educational opportunities to out of county residents. Colorado River Compact permits residents of Mohave, La Paz, Yuma, Imperial, Riverside and San Bernardino counties in California to attend any community college in the compact.


MCC Nursing program placed fourth in the state among all nursing programs for the 1998 licensing exam pass rate, according to Arizona State Board of Nursing. With 42 out of 44 students passing their state board licensure exam, 95.5%, Mohave’s registered nursing students ranked above the national average of 85.2% and the state average 90.5% with its pass rate.


Groundbreaking ceremony for the two-story complex at LHC that houses the library, 2+2 program and bookstore. Jointly financed by MCC, NAU and MCC Foundation. The complex will provide 16 additional classrooms.


Music program was implemented. Scholarships and coordinator position made possible by MCC Foundation.


Surgical Technician received full accreditation by Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs. In the first graduating class of Surgical Technology students, nine students received certification.


The board approved for MCC to offer a Dental Hygiene program and enrollment started in the Spring of 2004. Shortly after the dental assisting program was offered in 2005.


MCC partnered with local high school districts to offer college courses at the high school to be counted as college and high school credit. MCC and the Colorado River Union High School District developed an agreement that will serve as a model for similar agreements with other Mohave County high schools.


The Kingman campus placed a plaque on the wall around the pond, which was completed by maintenance staff and R.J. Esquerra, mason. Esquerra contributed to the college one-half of the cost of his labor. The plaque reads: This wall is provided by the Mohave Community College Foundation and R.J. Esquerra in honor of Raymond B. Esquerra, Pioneer of Mohave County.


Kingman Regional Medical Center and MCC teamed up for a CNA scholarship. Students in the CNA program were able to get tuition reimbursed and healthcare workshop costs by KRMC. The initiative was in hopes to increase the number of local CNAs and hope they would move onto the nursing program.


Lake Havasu City campus debuted Rocks of Mohave County exhibit. Doyle Wilson and Tim Montbrainel Traveled all over the county to collect the boulders.


MCC and NAU announced a new opportunity for students, the Dual Admissions Agreement. Students were offered the opportunity for admission into NAU and to enroll in concurrent classes.


MCC was approved by the Higher Learning Commission to offer full certificates and degrees through distance and online education.


MCC celebrated the opening of the Detroit Avenue Center for nursing instruction with a ribbon cutting and grand opening in September. Dr. John and Diana Lingenfelter donated the land to the MCC Foundation and made the construction of the center possible.


MCC Governing Board approved to offer a Radiology Technology program and agreed with the Legacy Foundation to help construct a new facility in Bullhead City to house the program.


Two new degree programs were added, Associate of Science in Engineering and Associate of Arts in Secondary Education, with approval by the MCC Governing Board.


MCC enters I-40 corridor agreement with Northland Pioneer College and Coconino Community College to maximize available educational resources through common and complementary resources of each institution.


MCC partners with BHC, BHC chamber, Harrah’s to provide 5 MCC business students internships to gain real world experiences.


Hodel Library in Lake Havasu City underwent a renovation that included new carpet, shortened bookshelves to improve accessibility, new furniture and a rearranged layout to maximize public space. The library celebrated its 10 year anniversary in March from when it was renamed the Hodel Library


The major construction project at Mohave Community College this year is the Neal Campus Kingman new student center (bldg 300) and the 200 building renovation. During the project, faculty were relocated to several different buildings with plans to move into their new offices in the 200 building just prior to the end of the spring term.


The North Mohave Campus held a groundbreaking for its new building. The facility includes a cutting-edge nursing classroom and laboratory, business incubator, & multipurpose community room.


MCC honors veterans by creating educational centers solely for them. The centers were part of a $5,000 grant from the nonprofit group Support Education & Employment for Vets, known as S.E.E.4VETS.


MCC debuts electrician program and new building on Kingman campus.


The world was hit with a pandemic that forced the college to close and think of innovated methods, such as videoconferencing to safely continue classes and strategic planning during the pandemic.

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