LHC Campus Mohave Inspired Art Show.


Artwork 1
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Art is a form of expression.

To some art is their passion while to others it is their hobby, but there’s one thing that is certain…We can all be our own Picassos.

On November 14th, the Lake Havasu Campus hosted a Mohave Inspired Art Show right in its own 200 building. Student’s from all the different Mohave Community College campuses picked their favorite pieces of art and presented them at the Art show.

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There were various mediums of art that were showcased that night: some are photos students have taken, other are drawings or paintings they created, and others were created digitally.

 Each piece of art has their own character and is unique in their own way, just like the artist that created them and they are all very proud of their hard work, progress, and artistic expressions.

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People filled the building to take a glance at the wonderful art that the students made and give them the recognition they deserve. Many people took their time to appreciate each art piece one at the time and would often talk to the artist and ask them for a better understanding of their art and inspiration. You could tell that each artist was proud of their work and more than excited to share their thoughts and answer questions.

Art show event

Try picking up a paint brush sometime and challenge yourself to create your own kind of art.       


Verenice Ramirez headshot

Verenice Ramirez-Garay

Student Multimedia Reporter, LHC Campus

For comments, questions, or story ideas please e-mail me at: vramirezgaray@mohave.edu

