MCC, River Valley Artists’ Guild team up to host Tri-State HS art show


Tri-state Art Show.
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MOHAVE COUNTY – Mohave Community College Bullhead City campus is hosting the Tri-State High School Art Show sponsored by MCC Arts Club and River Valley Artists’ Guild. The art show will display various art work from local high school students.

“The art show is a venue to showcase the talent of the youth in Mohave Valley and we invite each of the local high schools, home schoolers and online students to enter the show and be recognized,” said Jacob Crawford, MCC Art Instructor. “I’m excited that we can provide a space this year so the artistic community can come together again to celebrate the creative arts.” 

This year the River Valley Artist’s Guild and the BHC Arts Club are co-sponsoring the event and will provide prizes and recognition during the award ceremony.

The public is welcomed to stop by and see the art work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 25 – April 29 at 3400 Highway 95, Building 600. Art viewing isn’t permitted when the building is being used for other events. The last day to submit art work is April 22. An award ceremony will be held Friday, April 29 from 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Winners from each school have the chance to win: Best in Show, People’s Choice, first, second and third, and honorable mention. Special awards for graduating high school seniors and artistic categories will also be considered.

For more information about, contact Jacob Crawford at 928-704-7784 or email, or the River Valley Artists’ Guild at

Tri-state Art Show.
