Accreditation Information

Accreditation Information

Mohave Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Colleges and universities in the United States obtain accreditation from non-governmental bodies that are recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. Accreditation provides public certification of acceptable institutional quality and an opportunity for critical self-analysis leading to improvement in quality. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Education uses accreditation as a basis for their determination of institutional eligibility for participating in various federally funded programs, including Title IV federal financial aid to students.

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is one of six regional accreditors recognized by the U.S. Department of Education that accredit institutions of higher education. The Higher Learning Commission accredits Mohave Community College. The College’s accreditation extends through 2032-2033.

Mohave Community College participates in the Higher Learning Commission Open Pathways, which includes two processes: Quality Assurance and Quality initiative

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