Campus Safety
Safety at MCC
We are very proud of our reputation as a “safe place to be.”
Safety requires constant vigilance by the college, students, staff, and all those using college facilities or resources. In case of emergency, contact persons can be reached by calling your campus switchboard. (Dial 0 from any campus telephone.)
As is required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), Mohave Community College has established procedures for the gathering of statistics on certain categories of crimes and arrests.
Specifically, MCC is required to compile statistics by campus for crimes that include sexual offenses (forcible or non-forcible), robbery (under confrontational circumstances), burglary, aggravated assault and motor vehicle theft, and any liquor law violations (other than drunkenness or driving while intoxicated), illegal drug violations, and weapon charges. Statistics in these areas are compiled by the Vice President of Student and Community Engagement and are maintained on an annual basis for forwarding to the federal government. View the MCC Annual Security Report.
MCC has established procedures to be followed relative to the locking and unlocking of classrooms and other college buildings located on each of its campuses. These procedures are supervised by the campus deans.
Security for MCC campuses is provided by law enforcement agencies. Students and employees witnessing crimes or who are victimized in the commission of a crime are strongly encouraged to report all such actions to appropriate local law enforcement agencies and the campus dean.
MCC’s efforts to educate employees and students about crime awareness and prevention include the procedures described here and will be supplemented by notices as may be required to call attention to specific cases of real or potential threats affecting individual campuses or college-operated facilities.
These notices will be distributed on an as-needed basis and posted in public places in an attempt to ensure sufficient warning to students and others using college facilities. Additionally, copies of such notices will be provided to faculty members (both resident and associate) and read out loud in classes at affected locations.
If a student holds a valid Order of Protection, the student should immediately notify the local Campus Dean’s Office. If there is reason to believe that a person named in the Order of Protection has violated the court order while on an MCC campus, the Campus Dean’s Office should be notified and he or she will assist the student in reporting the incident to the local law enforcement.
All students and employees are encouraged to be aware of situations that may result in a sex offense (forced or non-forced) involving both known and unknown assailants. Students or others found to have engaged in acts that constitute sexual assault, attempted sexual assault, or other related sex crimes, whether forced or non-forced, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary and legal processes to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Learn More About Title IX
In instances where students are involved in disciplinary procedures, both the accused and accusers are entitled to the same opportunities for representation and shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary procedure related to such alleged assaults.