Radiologic Technology

Radiologic Technology

Radiologic Technology is a career that is in high demand locally and across the country. The radiography program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.
Contact Information:
 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850 
Chicago, IL 60606-3182 



Important Program Information

For the Fall Semester Program Start, all applicants MUST . . .

  • Complete BIO 201, BIO 202, and MAT 101 (or higher) with a grade of “B” or higher and within the past five (5) years prior to program application. See Program Director if more than 5 years.
  • Hold and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.85 in all prerequisite courses for consideration into the program.
  • Job shadow (recommendation only) – See what a Radiographer does. Space is limited.  Suggest scheduling early.  Schedule and participate in eight (8) hours of documented job shadowing in a general diagnostic x-ray department.  Record the job shadowing on the form available under the Program Handbook link on the Radiologic Technology website.
  • January 1 – June 30: Application date opens Jan 1st of each year and closes June 30th of each year. Submit a completed program application during this time. Current applications are made available online each year.
  • Perform the TEAS Admission Exam at any Mohave Community College Testing Center. TEAS test scores must be 62 or higher and are valid for 2 years.
    • To schedule the TEAS Admission Exam, please contact the Testing Center at the campus of the student’s choice. The fee for the exam is $85 for MCC students. No personal calculators allowed. NOTE: A student can take the TEAS no more than 3 times prior to Program Acceptance.
  • Understand that the program accepts 16-18 candidates.  The number is dependent upon available clinical space.
  • Understand that students entering the Radiologic Technology program must be willing to devote their time and energy to his/her education.
    • Didactic (classroom) hours are between 7:00 a.m. — 10:00 p.m., weekdays (Monday through Friday), and Saturdays.
    • Assigned Clinical Hours are between 5:00 a.m. – 4:59 a.m., weekdays and weekends (Monday through Sunday).
    • Students in this program are involved in their professional coursework and clinical education rotations 40 hours per week, not including study time.
    • Full-time work outside of the program is strongly discouraged.
  • Understand that the Mohave Community College Radiologic Technology Program does not accept radiology course credits from other radiologic technology programs.
  • Understand that each student must attend a MANDATORY Pre-Orientation on July 11, 2024 from 9am-12pm, Room 600 on the Bullhead City Campus (BHC).
  • MANDATORY orientation is August 12th, 2024 from 9am-12pm, Room 1122 on the Bullhead City Campus (BHC).
  • Understand this DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of a radiologic technology career, a; 1) negative drug screen and a; 2) background check which documents no offenses that indicate unfitness to serve as a health care professional, are required once accepted to and continued enrollment in the MCC Radiologic Technology Program.


Application date opens Jan 1st of each year and closes June 30th of each year.

*Information subject to change

Apply to the Program

Information Sessions

Anyone interested in a medical imaging career has the opportunity to meet with the Program Director Ms. Stacey Gilbert, MSRS, BS, RT(R)(CT)(ARRT) to learn about: program acceptance requirements, program costs, prerequisite vs general education courses, program admission testing, and career possibilities. All sessions will be available through Zoom Meetings (Meeting ID: 861 8106 6454).

Fall 2024-2025
Aug 27, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Sep 24, 2024 05:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Oct 29, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Nov 26, 2024 05:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Spring 2024-2025
Feb 25, 2025 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Mar 25, 2025 05:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Apr 29, 2025 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
May 27, 2025 05:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Pre-Requisite for the program and a General Education Course Requirement?

Questions always arise as to the difference between a Program Pre-Requisite and Program General Education Requirements. As of May 2021 (subject to change), there are only 3 courses that are required prior to applying to and being accepted into the Radiologic Technology Program.

These courses are BIO201, BIO202, and MAT101 (or higher). All other non-RAD courses are considered General Education courses – CIS110, COM121, ENG101; HES113, & PSY101 These General Education courses are scheduled throughout the Program in order to facilitate particular students maintaining full-time student status. Students who seek VA benefits, government grants, and many scholarships need to be a full-time student and that requires a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. If the General Education courses are taken prior to acceptance into the RAD Program, a student may find themselves without financial assistance due to the shortage of credit hours during certain semesters.

A student should always communicate their financial needs to his/her advisor so if the full-time status is required, that status may be maintained.

How difficult is it to be admitted into the program?

The increased interest in radiography over the past few years has indeed resulted in an increased number of applicants applying for a limited number of positions (18) in the program and has therefore made the application process more competitive. Given this fact, for any applicant to be considered for admittance, they will need to demonstrate a history of successful academic performance as well as scoring well on the required entrance exam. Our selection process evaluates many objective factors when selecting candidates for the program and has found that there is no “model” for the ideal student. There is no lone factor or attribute that can guarantee admittance into the program.

What is considered when applications are evaluated?

Applications are evaluated for strong academic background. This background comes from ONLY the pre-requisite courses taken at Mohave Community College or similar courses taken at other colleges/universities which have been accepted for transfer credits at Mohave Community College. Work and volunteer experience with health-related and/or service-oriented emphasis may only be considered and are not required. Additionally, students are required to take an entrance examination (TEAS Admission Exam) and recommended to participate in a job shadowing experience.

How can I enhance my chances of being admitted?

Each candidate is expected to introspectively evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses and to establish a plan that reveals relevant strengths. A strong candidate will possess a healthy balance of characteristics and skills deemed desirable by the faculty and include:

  • A proven record of academic success.
  • Knowledge of the field of radiography, including the less than desirable aspects.
  • A strong work ethic, positive attitude, and caring demeanor desirable of a health caregiver.
  • The ability to think critically and develop solutions to problems.
  • A sense of independence, as well as an ability to act as a member of a health care team.

Why do you limit the number of students in the program?

We have a limited number of clinical sites affiliated with the program. Therefore, we must limit the number of students assigned to each facility. That way, each student receives the opportunity for hands-on experiences to master the skills required of a radiographic technologist.

Do all program participants have to travel to clinical facilities outside of Bullhead City?

The program faculty is sensitive to the inconveniences of traveling for clinicals and makes every reasonable effort to minimize the travel expectations. However, traveling is necessary and a reasonable expectation given the learning opportunities that result. At least once during the program, students will be required to travel to an affiliated site outside of the Bullhead City area. That area may include, but may not be limited to Kingman, Parker, and Lake Havasu City. Traveling affords students the opportunity to a comprehensive education in diverse settings, with access to various forms of radiologic technology. Please remember to weigh the costs of travel (i.e., gasoline, possible overnight lodging, and extended childcare) with tuition, textbooks and program fees, and other college expenses when planning for tuition.

Do you have to have a degree to become a Radiologic Technologist?

Per the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), effective January 1, 2015, all candidates must have earned an Associate Degree (or higher) from an accredited institution recognized by the ARRT.

What are starting salaries for Radiologic Technologists?

Employment of radiologic technologists is projected to grow 9 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations (May 2019).  In Arizona, the median wage for radiologic technologists is $65,810 per year ($ 31.64 per hour). Nationally, the median wage for radiologic technologists is $60,510 per year. (Ref. or

Can I work full-time while participating in the program?

Although we cannot dictate what a student does outside of the program, it must be emphasized that it is extremely difficult to successfully meet the requirements of the program while working a full-time job. Some factors to consider beyond personal stamina and abilities are:

  • The physical and mental demands of a job.
  • Flexibility of scheduling-ability to reduce/switch hours to accommodate the program and clinical schedules.
  • Personal/family responsibilities.
  • Study time requirements outside of program hours.
  • Your learning style – are you a quick learner or an individual who needs to spend more time on a task in order to master the material?
  • Clinical assignments may and can be scheduled from 24-40 hours per week.

Many students do work part-time while in the program. The program faculty, while sympathetic and understanding of financial situations, cannot lower performance expectations based on a need to work outside of the program. Ultimately, it is for each individual to honestly evaluate their abilities, both physical and academic, and determine if after committing to the hours in the program and the hours spent at a job, that there will still be enough time left to eat, sleep, study, travel, and fulfill family responsibilities while meeting the requirements of the Radiologic Technology Program for its entire duration.

Do you allow students to attend the program part-time, or only on evenings or weekends?

The program is full-time and six (6) semesters in length. Clinical rotations will be scheduled so that each student can have access to the required clinical experience. Currently, the program is Full-Time. No part-time access to the program exists. It is possible to be scheduled during the evening or weekend hours, but only as part of the Full-Time program.

Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure

Successful completion of this program could lead to professional licensure or certification within the state of Arizona. View this state guide to identify other states in which MCC program requirements fulfill educational guidelines for professional licensure and certification.

Student Gallery and Cohorts

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