

2024-2025 Curriculum Submission Due Dates

For items to be placed on the Curriculum Committee meeting agenda, they must be submitted in ACRES as outlined below on the calendar to allow time for non-instructional and curriculum reviews.

Note: Due to the review process via the ACRES routing chain, items submitted by the due date are not guaranteed to be placed on the next scheduled Curriculum Committee agenda.

Curriculum Committee Deadlines and Dates 2024-2025

Curriculum Committee

Purpose: The committee is an interdisciplinary instructional (curricular) group, in consultation with the non-instructional (co-curricular) group, charged with reviewing, evaluating, and making recommendations to the President’s Cabinet. The Curriculum Committee conducts its work under the auspices of the college President and within college Policies and Procedures.

Committee Proceedings

Course Packages by Prefix

For example: To view the course package for English 101, click on E-G, then click on ENG 101.

The spreadsheets include the relevant dates (e.g., date renewed, next renewal date) associated with each course. Each course package link provides the course design including course student learning outcomes, competencies, and outline. Please note some course packages may contain dated textbook and software information. For the most current textbook and software application information, please access myMohave.







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