Healthcare Simulation

Healthcare Simulation

Healthcare Simulation

About – Equipment & Technology  |  Scheduling  |  FAQs  |  Media

Mohave Community College’s department of Healthcare Simulation offers high-fidelity simulation to its community partners, agencies, and students by offering Simulation Spaces at each campus. A mobile simulation offering is also offered where any of the four high fidelity simulators from CAE (Elevate) Healthcare can be brought to our community partners, agencies, and other college campus locations in one of our two mobile simulation unit ambulances. Click here to view availability.

Our high-fidelity simulators consist of the following manikins:

  • Pre-Hospital Trauma
  • In Hospital Care
  • Labor and Delivery
  • Pediatrics
  • Infant

Simulation scenarios that our partners and instructors request or think of can be programmed on any one of the high-fidelity simulators for their simulation training events as well.

Equipment and Technology

Our simulators are designed and manufactured by CAE Healthcare, which its parent company CAE (Canadian Aviation Equipment) which is known for its simulation technology in aviation. Our Nursing Programs simulators, are designed and manufactured by Laerdal Medical Corporation, a well known simulation company especially in nursing and recognized by The National League for Nursing.


Each our simulators from CAE and Laerdal have unique software that is geared to serve several discipline areas of healthcare ranging from pre-hospital all the way to special acuities. Each our simulators intended purpose is to provide realistic high-quality simulations of human physiology either by pre-programmed scenarios, themes, manual programming, or leveraging physiology engines and modeling.


If you would like to schedule time for simulation, please use scheduling tool below to see availability. Upon your request, the Simulation Operations Specialist will reach out to you to consult your needs and inquiry.

Schedule Simulation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can fluids be used on the simulators?

Yes, distilled water based fluids and simulated drugs can be used, the simulation technician will prepare the scenario to accommodate this and can answer questions. You can also refer to the recommended fluid amounts.

What size clinical supplies can be used?


Coming soon!

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