Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

Many local high schools and Mohave Community College offer college courses during the school day that can be counted toward both high school and college graduation requirements. High school students in these dual enrollment classes earn college credits at no cost to the student. “Students shall be admitted to the community college under the policies adopted by each district, except that all students who are enrolled for college credit shall be high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors. All students who are in the course, including those not electing to enroll for college credit, shall satisfy the prerequisites for the course as published in the college catalog and shall comply with college policies regarding student placement in courses.” [ARS 15-1821.01]

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What is Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit?

Dual Enrollment provides you the opportunity to earn high school credit and college credit that you can apply towards a certificate or degree while you’re in high school. Dual Enrollment is conducted on your high school campus to provide seamless education.

Do I have to attend Dual Orientation?

Yes, all first-time dual enrollment students are required to attend a dual enrollment orientation. Orientation is designed to provide students with the necessary information, resources and advising assistance to help high school students kick off their college adventure. Visit our events page to sign up for dual orientation.

What is the Arizona General Education (AGEC) Mission?

It is Mohave Community College’s mission to offer Dual Enrollment classes that contribute towards the three AGEC certificates: Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC – A), Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC – B), and Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC – S). The approved AGEC courses will fulfill lower-division, general education requirements at any Arizona university or community college. Students will be required to fulfill the course prerequisites, major requirements, and upper-division requirements specified by each university. This certificate is awarded by MCC after the successful completion of a series of specific courses and is clearly identified in the catalog.

Note: For a course to be eligible for transfer, the student must receive a “C” or better. Acceptance of a transfer course is determined by the receiving institution. A diploma is not awarded for AGEC Certificates of Completion. The AGEC Certificate of Completion will be annotated on a student’s MCC transcript. Additional information can be found at AZTransfer.

Do I have a college transcript?

Yes, a High school student participating in college courses will receive a college transcript and GPA calculation separate from their high school transcript.

Does it matter if I am successful in my dual enrollment courses?

Yes, while high school students cannot receive Federal Financial Aid until after graduation, your success in your dual enrollment course matters. Your Federal Financial Aid may be adversely impacted if you are not successful in your college level courses.

Do I have to complete a degree/certificate with MCC with Dual Enrollment?

While MCC strongly encourages participation after graduation, dual enrollment is designed to jump start your college education while still in high school. 

What high schools in my area participate in dual enrollment courses?

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