Tax Tips

Tax Tips

We recommend that you file your 2015 federal income tax forms as soon as possible after January 1, 2016. We understand that this is not always possible, and that some students/parents file extensions. If you or your parents will file a tax extension for 2015, please visit Student Services for assistance with your FAFSA, and to understand how this may impact your financial aid.

Common Pitfalls

  • Filing taxes under the filing status “Head of Household”. If you typically file with this status, or your tax preparer recommends this status, please visit the IRS website to make sure you qualify to file as “Head of Household”. You may also take the “What’s my filing status?” quiz to quickly help you answer your filing status questions. Typically, you are not eligible for this status if you are married or have no dependents.
  • Beginning with the 2014-15 academic year, there are new Federal Income Tax provisions for same-sex married couples. Please be sure to review these provisions and seek assistance from the IRS or a tax professional if you are unsure. Filing taxes and your FAFSA according to the new provisions should save you time, energy and a delay in receiving your financial aid.

You may file taxes before or after you file your FAFSA.

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