MCC Bighorns Esports

MCC Bighorns Esports

MCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletics Association Esports (NJCAAE), which offers varsity, junior varsity, and open division competitive video gaming. Interested in esports? Fill out the Interest Form.

Yes, I’m Interested

Person playing on a computer

What does it take to be on the varsity and junior varsity teams?

  • Enroll and maintain a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester (fulltime status) at MCC.
  • Maintain good academic standing (minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA; not on an academic probation plan) and maintain at least a “C” grade in each class throughout the semester.
  • Attend practices and events.
  • Agree to the program code of conduct and represent the college and sport in a professional manner.

What is open division esports?

Open division allows anyone in Mohave County to play video games competitively for MCC – kids, adults, students, non-students, and everyone in between. Players are required to compete in games within the ESRB rating approved for their age (ex: E for Everyone; T for Teen) and agree to the MCC Esports Program Code of Conduct.

people playing on computers

Request More Information

For more information on the MCC esports team, just fill out this form and the Esports Coordinator will contact you.
Request More Bighorn Esports Info.

Read the MCC Esports News Announcement

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