Consumer Information

Consumer Information

Consumer Information regulations of the U.S. Department of Education require colleges and universities to provide access to certain information to prospective and current students and employees. While this information is housed in different locations across the College, this page is meant to provide an easy way to find that information. In the case that the consumer information is housed in the College Catalog, it may be necessary to use the table of contents in the Catalog to navigate to specific information.

Contacts for Consumer Information
Individuals seeking assistance with obtaining consumer and disclosure information should contact James Jarman, Director of College Communications at The staff at MCC Connect are also available to answer any questions at 866-664-2832.

Academic Programs
MCC provides information on its academic programs on our website and in the catalog. Information about our Instructional staff is in our Directory. We also provide information about our facilities on each campus.

Accreditation and Licensing
MCC is an accredited institution and several of our academic programs hold additional specialized accreditations. On these pages, you will find information about the status of MCC’s accreditations and contact information for each agency.

Activities for Students
Students at MCC have the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs. Clubs may focus on an area of academic interest, community service, developing leadership skills, or cultural interests.

Anti-Discrimination Policy Statement
Mohave Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sex, age, religion, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or sexual orientation in its educational programs and activities or employment practices. For inquiries regarding this policy contact Danette Bristle in the Center for Teaching and Learning, 3400 HWY 95, Bullhead City (928) 704-9480 or Jennifer Picard in Employee Services, 1971 Jagerson Ave., Kingman (928) 681-5624

Articulation Agreements and Transfer Partners
MCC partners with a variety of institutions to make it easy for our students to continue their education and earn a bachelor’s degree. We maintain articulation agreements and partnerships with a number of institutions both in and out of Arizona.

Campus Safety
MCC’s Campus Safety page provides information about crime statistics, procedures for reporting incidents, a form to report Title IX complaints, information about victims’ rights, and a community resource guide.

Cares Act Funding
MCC’s reporting of how Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) can be found on our CARES Act Funding page. 

Constitution Day
Constitution Day is September 17th each year. MCC’s campus libraries celebrate our nation’s history each year by creating educational displays and games about the U.S. Constitution.

Copyright and File Sharing
MCC’s information on copyright, file-sharing policies and sanctions is available in multiple sources.

Course Schedule
Current and prospective students can find the current course schedules online for each of MCC’s campuses.

Complaint Procedures
Students wishing to file a complaint with MCC, or with any of its accrediting or authorizing agencies, can find contact information on our Complaint Procedure page.

Accommodation Services
MCC maintains compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The College’s Accommodation Services page has information about services and facilities for students with disabilities.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
MCC is committed to maintaining a safe environment for students, visitors, and employees. You can find information on our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program page.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
The Crisis Management Plan addresses various potential threats and hazards that MCC may face. Our Campus Safety page has resources to help students and employees handle most any emergency. Additional information is available in the College Policy/Procedure for Emergency/Evacuation Procedures published in the Student Handbook.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
MCC values the privacy of our students’ records and maintains compliance with FERPA. You can find our policy and procedures in the Academic Policies section of the Catalog under FERPA Information.

Financial Aid
The Financial Aid webpage page and the Catalog offer information about MCC’s financial aid programs. In the financial aid pages and the Catalog, you can find information about:

GED Program
MCC offers free classes for community members who wish to earn their GED diploma.

Institutional Information
College Navigator and our Institutional Research page have information about our retention rates, completion rates, transfer rates, diversity, and other statistics.

Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure Information
Mohave Community College is authorized to offer educational services to students in all 50 states. To learn more about our authorization and where our programs meet professional licensure and certification requirements, visit our Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure Information page.

Refund of Tuition and Fees
Students can find information about refunds of tuition and fees on the Refunds page and in the Financial Information section of the Catalog under Tuition and Fee Refund for Credit Courses.

Refund of Financial Aid Credit Balance
MCC makes financial aid refunds available through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link: To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

Students can find textbook information by searching for their course in the course schedule. Each course will have a link to information about the required and optional materials. Additionally, students can search the online Bookstore for the information.

Transfer Credit
So that students can complete their programs as quickly as possible, MCC accepts transfer credits, with some limitations. Transfer credit policies and procedures are published in the Catalog in the Transfer Information section.

There are no vaccination requirements for admission to MCC. However, some academic programs, particularly allied health programs, may require vaccinations for participation in laboratories and clinicals. Students interested in these programs should consult with the academic unit for specific information. For information on these programs and all related admission requirements, please contact Student Services.

Voter Registration
MCC encourages all students to register to vote. Voter registration forms are available in Student Services. More information can be found in the College Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook by scrolling to the heading Voter Registration.

Students wishing to withdraw from MCC can review the College’s withdrawal procedures in the Academic Policies section of the catalog under Withdrawal. Information about how withdrawal impacts financial aid eligibility can be found on the Withdrawals and Return of Title IV Aid page.

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