Tuition Cost and Fees

Tuition Cost and Fees

What Will it Cost?

MCC’s tuition and fees are among the most affordable in the state of Arizona.

Students who complete the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) core classes before transferring to a university will save more than $6,000 in tuition alone. Those who complete an associate of arts, business or science at MCC before going on to an in-state university will save approximately $15,000 in tuition alone compared with those students who spend their freshman and sophomore year at the university.

Type of Student 2024-25 (per credit hour)
In-state Students $91

In-state Students 62 years old and above

50% Tuition Reduction

Out-of-state Students

Western Undergrad Exchange Rate* $136.50

24-25 Course Fees24-25 Institutional Fees

Financial Aid – in the form of grants, scholarships, loans, and employment are available, so anyone who wants to go to MCC can afford it. Financial aid is available for working adults as well as recent high school graduates. We also offer a tuition payment plan.

*Western Undergraduate Exchange – Mohave Community College participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE), a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Residents of eligible states (currently Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming) will be charged significantly reduced WUE tuition.

NOTE: Full-time enrollment under WUE status does not count toward establishing residency for tuition purposes. Please see MCC residency requirements.

The MCC Governing Board reserves the right to change or withdraw, without notice, curriculum, policies, tuition, or any other matters described in college publications or online.

Data used to determine a FAFSA student’s Cost of Attendance (COA or Budget). Info used to determine need and is used in awarding funds.
Description CB Unit Type CB Unit Cost Characteristics
In-State Tuition & Fees CR 91.00 In-State Tuition & Fees
Out-Of-State Tuit & Fees CR 331.00 Out of State Tuition & Fees
WUE Tuition & Fees CR 137.00 WUE Tuition & Fees
Bks, Course Mat, Sup, Equ CR 30.00 Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment
Transportation CW 65.00 Transportation
Personal Expenses CW 70.00 Personal Expenses based on # of weeks enrolled
Housing & Meals Single St CW 327.00 Housing & Meals Single Students
Housing & Meals Sing Dep CW 392.00 Housing & Meals Single Dep
Housing & Meals Mar Stu CW 390.00 Housing & Meals Married Student
Housing & Meals Mar W/Dep CW 455.00 Housing & Meals Married W/Dep
Housing & Meals On-Campus CW 280.00 Housing & Meals On-Campus
Transportation On-Campus CW 33.00 Transportation On-Campus Living
Prog Fees RN & LPN AP 1,700.00 Program Fees Nursing Programs
Prog Fees Phys Therapy AP 818.00 Program Fees Physical Therapy Assistant
Prog Fees Rad Tech AP 235.00 Program Fees Radiological Technology Program
Prog Fees Welding AP 570.00 Program Fees Welding
Prog Fees Culinary Degree AP 850.00 Program Fees Culinary Degree
Prog Fees Food Prep Cert AP 1,850.00 Program Fees Food Prep Cert
Prog Fee Bake & Pastry AP 600.00 Program Fees Baking & Pastry
Prog Fees Dental Hygiene AP 1,995.00 Program Fees Dental Hygiene
Prog Fee Dental Assist AP 275.00 Program Fees Dental Assisting
Prog Fee Surgical Tech AP 225.00 Program Fees Surgical Tech
Prog Fee HVAC AP 447.00 Program Fees HVAC
Prog Fee Auto Collision AP 175.00 Program Fees Auto Collision
Prog Fees Auto Serv Tech AP 184.00 Program Fees Auto Service Technology
Prog Fee Art AP 180.00 Program Fees Art
Prog Fee Visual Comm AP 50.00 Program Fees Visual Communications
Prog Fee Elec Comm AP 510.00 Program Fees Electrical – Commercial
Prog Fee Elec Res AP 180.00 Program Fees Electrical – Residential
Prog Fee Paramedic AP 500.00 Program Fees Paramedic
Course Fee Fire Academy AP 2,500.00 Course Fee Fire Academy
Program Fees Phlebotomy AP 395.00 Program Fees Phlebotomy
Program Fees Med Assisting AP 57.00 Program Fees Med Assisting
Computer Purchase OT 1.00 One-time Computer Purchase
Dependent Child Care OT 1.00 Dependent Child Care
Disability Costs OT 1.00 Costs Associated with Disability
Fall Consortium OT 1.00 Fall Semester Consortium Costs
Spring Consortium OT 1.00 Spring Semester Consortium Costs
Summer Consortium OT 1.00 Summer Semester Consortium Costs

AP=Award Period; CW=Cost per Week; CR=Credit Hour; OT=One Time


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