
Academic advising is critical to your success, satisfaction, retention and graduation from Mohave Community College.
Academic advising is an ongoing interactive process involving the student, advisors, faculty, staff and the institution. The primary goal of academic advising is to aid students in developing personal, professional and career goals that are challenging, worthwhile and realistic.
You can email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible to help answer your questions. You may also select the schedule advising button to set up an appointment with your advisor.
For a video guide on how to register, please watch this video.

New Students
Meeting with an academic advisor is one of the best things you can do to facilitate success in your education. Advisors can help you develop an education plan for goal achievement, select your class schedule for an upcoming semester, explore majors or careers and connect you to campus resources. Advisors will use information (e.g., high school transcripts, assessment scores and other data) to assist you in pursuing a program consistent with your education goals and level of preparation.
Continuing Students
You may enroll in courses for which you have completed the prerequisites without an advisor’s signature. However, you must meet with an academic advisor if you:
- Receive Financial Aid
- Select courses for which you have not met prerequisites
- Change your degree, major or catalog year
- Add or drop a class
- Need help to review your academic progress
- Plan to transfer to a university
- Experience academic difficulties
- Are completing your degree or certificate program (you should meet with an advisor at least one semester before commencement)
Succeeding at MCC
You are responsible for knowing the degree requirements and that the courses in which you enroll will meet those requirements. To gain a total college experience, you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with MCC services, activities and resources. You should become familiar with the class schedule, the college catalog and the student handbook.
You are also encouraged to participate in programs, classes and activities that help you develop and grow academically. MCC faculty and academic counselors, as well as family and peers, can all be valuable sources of information on how to succeed in college.
Questions? Email an advisor:

MCC graduates earn more
MCC graduates enter fields in which they earn between $42,640 to $65,000 thousand a year on average. Compare that to those in the Mohave County region with only a high school diploma who earn $24,500 per year on average. An MCC graduate has the potential to earn $725,600 more in their career than a Mohave County resident who only has a high school diploma.
Students find that once they start at MCC, a bright future starts to take shape. Lake Havasu City Mayor Cal Sheehy started taking MCC classes when he was a student at Lake Havasu High School.
Bullhead City Police Chief Brian Williamson used the college’s Veterans Services to help him get on the path to success.
Mohave County Supervisor Jean Bishop was a single working mother when she started at MCC. The college’s flexible schedules helped her succeed.
Hear them in their own words on the We Are MCC page.