Accommodation Services
As a part of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Accommodation Services collaborates with students, staff, faculty, and community members to create welcoming learning environments that support student learning and fostering student independence.
Getting Started with Accommodations
If you’re anticipating or experiencing barriers to your education due to a physical or mental impairment, injury, illness, pregnancy, or unexpected life events, we’re here to help.
First-Time Student Requests:
- Fill out the Student Application for Accommodations.
- Meet with an Academic Advisor for an Intake Interview.
- Submit supporting documentation to our office.
- Upload with your application
- Email to
- Drop off at Student Services
- Faxed to 928.704.4164
- Respond to communication from Accommodation Services regarding your request for accommodations.
Returning Students and Renewals:
- Accommodations must be renewed every term.
- For renewals, simply complete the Accommodation Renewal Request.
Types of Accommodations
At MCC we have three types of Accommodation Services that students can request.
ADA/504 Accommodations Students with documented physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as walking, seeing, hearing, thinking, learning, or concentrating. are entitled to reasonable accommodations in higher education under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
To qualify for ADA/504 accommodations, students must:
1) have a physical or mental impairment that is covered by the law,
2) meet the institution’s academic and technical standards,
3) self-identify by providing appropriate supporting documentation, and
4) formally request accommodations and engage in the interactive process.
Requesting accommodations is optional and students are not required to inform the college that they have a physical or mental impairment. Students who feel they may need accommodations, but are not sure, are encouraged to request them as soon as possible. Accommodations are only effective from the date of approval and if requested mid-term they will not be applied retroactively to the beginning of the semester.
Pregnancy-Related Accommodations Students who are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition, are entitled to reasonable accommodations to allow the student to continue their educational pursuits. Students experiencing pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions are entitled to reasonable accommodations to help them continue their studies. These may include adjustments to assignment deadlines or physical accommodations.
Compassionate Care Accommodations Mohave College offers a Compassionate Care model of accommodation to students due to short-term extenuating circumstances that are otherwise unqualified by ADA/504 or Pregnancy-Related Accommodations.
Examples of short-term extenuating circumstances
• Death of an immediate family member or intimate partner
• Subpoenaed court appearance or legal issues (excluding legal issues stemming from illegal activity by the student)
• Sudden hospitalization/surgery of custodial child/dependent, immediate family member, or intimate partner
• Suicide attempt of immediate family member or intimate partner
Extenuating circumstances do not include personal events (e.g. weddings, family reunions, vacations), transportation or technological difficulties, childcare, or overcommitted personal time (i.e. course load, student activities, employment without additional circumstances beyond the student’s control).